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Program Name: ANTIBOMB.PRG
Written By: Greg Baker
Distributed by: Inland Specialty Products
If you're tired of the cherry bombs or mushroom clouds
displayed when a program crashes then you'll find this utility
essential. It replaces the bombs with a user friendly alert box
that identifies the error in English. It runs from the Desktop or
from the AUTO folder. For all STs, all resolutions.
A couple of weeks ago, I was testing a new program which I had
written when something terrible happened. Those strange little
cherry bombs appeared on the screen. What did they mean? After
thumbing through my pile of ST books (I know the error descriptions
are in them somewhere) I discovered I had a BUS ERROR. Why couldn't
the system tell me that!
Now I don't have to scramble for my books anymore; I've made
my ST more intelligent. Instead of those little bombs I now get an
Alert box which displays the error message in text format -- and so
can you!
Changing the Exceptions
The instructions for using ANTIBOMB are very simple. The
program is named ANTIBOMB.PRG on the accompanying disk. You may run
it from the GEM Desktop or place it in the AUTO folder on your boot
disk if you'd like it to be installed automatically when you turn
on your ST. It's very short, so it doesn't take much memory from
the system.
So what does it do? It replaces the bombs with an Alert box
that describes what the error is. It also gives you the
opportunity, depending on the exception type to either continue
with the program, terminate the program, or reboot(warm or cold)
the system.
So What is an Exception?
An exception allows the 68000 to interupt what it is doing, go
do something else, then go back to the task that was originally
interupted. ANTIBOMB.PRG traps the following exceptions:
Bus Error: An exception is generated whenever the
BERR signal is asserted by external logic.
Address Error: An attempt to access either word data,
long word data, or an instruction at an odd
Illegal Instruction: System tried to process an invalid
Divide by Zero: System tried to divide a number by zero.
CHK instruction: Does a boundary check to see if the
contents of a data register are in the
range from zero to an upper limit.
If less then zero or greater than the
upper limit this exception will be
TRAPV Instruction: If the overflow bit (bit 1) in the status
register is set when this instruction is
executed then an exception is generated.
Privileged Instruction: An exception will be generated if the
following instructions are executed in
AND immediate to SR, EOR immediate to SR,
OR immediate to SR, and MOVE USP.
Trace Trap: If the T-bit (bit 15) in the status register is set
then an exception will be generated after each
instruction. This is useful for program debugging.
How it Works
ANTIBOMB is a terminate and stay resident program written in
Mark Williams C. It redirects the above exception vectors to itself
and then waits for an exception to occur. When an exception occurs
an Alert box is displayed notifying the user which exception has
occured and gives the opportunity to either continue with the
program, terminate the program, or reboot(warm or cold) the system.
First, appl_init is called to register the program with the
AES. This allows the Alert box to be displayed when an exception
occurs. Then, Setexc is used to redirect the exception vectors
so they point to specific routines within ANTIBOMB. For example,
the line Setexc(BUS_ERROR,bus_error) sets the exception vector so
that whenever a Bus Error occurs the bus_error routine will be
Since all the exception routines function in the same way only
the bus_error routine will be discussed in detail. The bus_error
routine first calls setexc routine so that the registers are saved
and the stack pointer is re-adjusted to allow processing of the
retexc routine. This allows the CONTINUE button in the alert box to
pass control back to the interupted program or to terminate the
program depending on the exception type. The display routine will
take the message passed from bus_error and display it in the Alert
box. This routine also passes the error_code which is used to
determine whether the program should continue or terminate. The
User is then given the opportunity to either return and continue
with the program, terminate the program, or reboot(warm or cold)
the ST.
If continue is selected then ANTIBOMB will check the
error_code to see if the program should be continued or terminated.
If the error_code says continue then ANTIBOMB will return to the
interupted program and continues execution. This return is executed
by the retexc routine in module setexc.s. Retexc will retore the
saved registers then return to the interupted program via the RTE
instruction. If the error_code says to terminate then ANTIBOMB will
use the PTERM() function to abort the program.
If a warm reboot is selected then ANTIBOMB jumps to the reset
address contained in memory location 0x004. This memory location is
also used when the reset button is pressed. If a cold reboot is
selected then magic number located at 0x420 which tells the
operating system that a coldstart was sucessfully done is cleared.
ANTIBOMB then jumps to the start of the operating system (0x5000)
and a cold restart is performed.
So Who gets Terminated?
As stated previously when some exceptions occur the program
will be aborted when the continue but is pressed. The following
table identifies each of the exceptions and whether they continue
or terminate.
Exception Type ERROR_CODE=
Buss Error Terminate
Address Error Terminate
Illegal Instruction Continue
Divide by Zero Continue
Check Instruction Continue
TrapV Instruction Continue
Privilege Instruction Continue
Trace Trap Continue
Let's try it
First execute the ANTIBOMB.PRG program from the Desktop (or
AUTO folder). Now, run the EXCEPTION.PRG program. First you will be
notified of a DIVIDE BY ZERO error. Press CONTINUE. The Desktop
will be redisplayed. Now, run the EXCEPTION.PRG program again. This
time press REBOOT. The ST will reboot.
Want the Source???
Mark Williams C was used to develop this utility. The source is
available for $5.00 from:
Inland Specialty Products
N. 4112 Simpson Rd.
Otis Orchards, Wa. 99027